Armored Warfare Wiki

The default controls, or key bindings, for Armored Warfare are as follows:

Movement[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Left Turn left. A
Right Turn right. D
Forward Move forward. W
Stop/Back Stop the vehicle or move backwards. S
Auto Forward Set cruise control to move the vehicle forward. Can be pressed multiple times to increase speed. R
Auto Reverse Set cruise control to move the vehicle backward. Can be pressed multiple times to increase speed. F
Brake Use the emergency brake. SPACE
Hull Lock Toggles hull traverse on turret-less vehicles or hull tilting on vehicles with hydraulic suspension.[note 1] X
Free View Prevent the crosshair from following the camera. MOUSE2 (Hold)

Actions[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Smoke Launch smoke grenades or activate the exhaust smoke system. G
Active Ability Activate your vehicle's Special Ability. E
Reload Reload the active weapon.[note 2] C
Headlights Toggle headlights.[note 3] H
Toggle View Switch between first- and third person view. LSHIFT
Target Lock Automatically lock the crosshair on an enemy. MOUSE2
Shoot Shoot the selected weapon. MOUSE1
Cycle Weapon Alternate between the two most recently used weapon systems. MOUSE3
Infantry Command Order your Mechanized Infantry to fire on a target indicated by your crosshair.[note 4] V
Zoom In Incrementally zoom in the camera or sight. WHEELUP
Zoom Out Incrementally zoom out the camera or sight. WHEELDN
Max Zoom In Zoom the camera or sight in to the maximum amount. NP+
Max Zoom Out Zoom the camera or sight out to the maximum amount. NP-
Wildcard/Ammo Bring up the Wildcard activation screen in Global Operations and replenish ammo in PvE. Q
Spectator Camera Switch to the spectated player's view. I

Toolbar[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Ammo 1 Select the 1st ammo slot. 1
Ammo 2 Select the 2nd ammo slot. 2
Ammo 3 Select the 3rd ammo slot. 3
Ammo 4 Select the 4th ammo slot. 4
Consumable 1 Activate the consumable in the 1st slot. 5
Consumable 2 Activate the consumable in the 2nd slot. 6
Consumable 3 Activate the consumable in the 3rd slot. 7
Consumable 4 Activate the consumable in the 4th slot. 8

Chat[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Toggle Chat Toggle Chat.[note 5] ENTER
Change Chat Channel Cycle between All, Team, and Platoon chat modes. TAB
Toggle Chat: All Toggle the "All" chat. J
Toggle Chat: Team Toggle the Team chat. K
Toggle Chat: Platoon Toggle the Platoon chat. L

Chat[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Attack!/Follow Me! Displays the "Attack!/Follow Me!" chat action.[note 6] T
Defend Base!/Fall Back! Displays the "Defend Base!/Fall Back!" chat action.[note 7] F4
Affirmative! Displays the "Affirmative!" chat action. F5
Negative! Displays the "Negative!" chat action. F6
Help! Displays the "Help!" chat action. F7
Reloading!/Halt! Displays the "Reloading!/Halt!" chat action.[note 8] F8
Thank you! Displays the "Thank you!" chat action.[note 9] F9

Overlays[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Results Display the match results. TAB (Hold)
Radial Command Menu Activate the chat overlay.[note 10] Z
Help Open the Help window. F1
Interface Toggle the UI.[note 11] F2
Increase Minimap Size Increase the minimap size. EQUALS (=)
Decrease Minimap Size Decrease the minimap size. MINUS (-)
Cycle Team List Right Cycles the team list to the right. ]
Cycle Team List Left Cycles the team list to the left. [

Match Replays[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Replay Control Panel Minimize or maximize the replay control panel. O
Play/Pause Toggle replay play/pause. P
Increase Playback Speed Increase replay playback speed. PAGE UP
Decrease Playback Speed Decrease replay playback speed. PAGE DOWN

Others[ | ]

Function Description Default key
Cursor in Match Toggle the mouse cursor. LCTRL
Screenshot Take a screenshot. PRINT


  1. In-game description reads: "Toggles hull traverse on turret-less vehicles."
  2. Only applies to weapons with clips. Single shot and ready rack weapons reload automatically.
  3. Toggles night vision on maps that use night vision.
  4. The in-game description is incorrect, which states "Order your Mechanized Infantry to move to the spot indicated by your crosshair.
  5. The in-game description reads: "You cannot change the key bound to this action."
  6. This command is context sensitive:
    If no target is selected, the chat command becomes "Attacking!".
    Using the chat command when the crosshair is on a teammate displays "Follow me, Teammate Player Name!".
    Using the chat command on an enemy target displays "Request fire on 'Target Name'!" or "Attacking 'Target Name'!" if driving a Self-Propelled Gun.
  7. This command is context sensitive:
    If no target is selected, the chat command becomes "Defend the Base!".
    Using the chat command when the crosshair is on a teammate displays "Fall back, 'Teammate Player Name'!".
  8. This command is context sensitive:
    If no target is selected, the chat command becomes "Reloading!".
    Using the chat command when the crosshair is on a teammate displays "Halt, 'Teammate Player Name'!".
  9. This command is context sensitive:
    If no target is selected, the chat command becomes "Thank you!".
    Using the chat command when the crosshair is on a teammate displays "Thank you, 'Teammate Player Name'!".
  10. Hold key to display the quick chat overlay, then move mouse towards a desired chat command and release the key to execute.
  11. In-game description reads: "Toggle the Interface."