Armored Warfare Wiki
Anthony Diaz

Anthony Diaz is an exclusive commander in Armored Warfare. He was only given to players who signed up for the game's closed beta test between December 19, 2014 and January 18, 2015.[1]

Anthony shares the same basic skill as Philipp Holzklau, but his other skills have greater emphasis on agility, making him suitable for offensive gameplay.

Skills[ | ]

Starting Skill[ | ]

Skill Name Description Quantity
Maxed Out IV Repair speed increased by 26%...40%. 1

Other Skills:

Skill Name Description Quantity
Battle Fuse III Reload speed is increased by 3.04% with 50% hit points or less 1
Combat Experience I Experience earned is increased by 5% 2
Combat Experience II Experience earned is increased by 8.8% 1
Dead on Target II Max spread is improved by 2.53% 1
Fire When Ready I Reload speed is increased by 0.6% 1
Full Throttle II Maximum speed increased by 3.08% at 50% hit points and over 1
Giant Killer I Crew damage caused increased by 6.3% 1
Giant Killer III Crew damage caused increased by 18.8% 1
Handling I Hull traverse speed increased by 2.8% with at least 50% hit points 2
Lucky Shot III Chance of high precision shooting increased by 15% 1
Maneuverability I Hull traverse speed increased by 3.2% with 50% hit points or less 1
Mobility I Increases hull traverse speed by 2% 2
Motivation III Crew and Mechanized Infantry stats improved by 1.5% 1
Offroad Training III Acceleration in offroad environments improved by 10.5% with at least 50% hp 1
Perception I Increases turret traverse by 2% 1
Perception II Increases turret traverse by 3.5% 2
Smooth Drive I Tread and wheel hit points increased by 12.5% 1
Swift Retreat II Acceleration in offroad environments improved by 7.04% with 50% or less hp 1
Texas Duel III Aim speed improved by 7.5% 1
Timely cleanse I Cannon hit points increased by 12.5% 2

Personnel File[ | ]

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, USA

Anthony was dedicated to his military career, beginning as an enlisted man and eventually receiving a battlefield commission for his exemplary service under fire. However, after reaching a ceiling in his career, he left for the private sector. He has found new challenges as an independent contractor, continuing to deliver above and beyond the call of duty.

Legacy Skills[ | ]

The following skills are from before 0.22 that no longer apply to the current commander progression system.

  • Tier 1 - Accelerated Training: Crew experience gained increased by 10%.
  • Tier 2 - Vengeance: Damage caused to enemy crew increased by 30% for 60 seconds after a crew member is disabled.
  • Tier 2 - Focused Retaliation: Accuracy increased by 20% for 20 seconds after a crew member in your vehicle is disabled.
  • Tier 3 - Medic: The first crew member disabled in each match is instantly revived.
  • Tier 4 - Fire at Will: Reload time reduced by 20% for 20 seconds after a crew member in your vehicle is disabled.
  • Tier 4 - Serpentine: Hull traverse speed and acceleration in off road terrain increased by 20% for 20 seconds after a crew member in your vehicle is disabled.
  • Tier 5 - Leadership: Crew attributes increased by an additional 10%.

Gallery[ | ]



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Alexander Cortez  •  Alisa Korhonen  •  Austin Harper  •  Erin O'Connell  •  Fyodor Sokolov  •  Jorge Alvarez  •  Joshua Seagrove  •  Kathryn Grey  •  Olivia Bouchard  •  Ophelia Kitescu  •  Samuel Thorpe


Anthony Diaz  •  Maximillian König
